Parameter Included: 1

The umbilical swab for pyogenic culture refers to the collection of a swab sample from the umbilical area to test for the presence of pyogenic organisms, which can cause infections.
  • Price : ₹250.00

Parameter Included:

Sample Collection

Doctor Consultation

Test booked

Report Time

Fasting Time

Test Recommended

Recommended age

  • Overview
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To collect an umbilical swab, sterile technique is used to prevent contamination. The area around the umbilical cord is cleaned with an antiseptic solution to reduce the risk of introducing other bacteria. A sterile swab, usually a cotton-tipped or rayon-tipped swab, is then gently rubbed over the surface of the umbilical stump or any suspicious areas in the belly button.

After collecting the swab, it is placed in a sterile transport tube or container, ensuring that the swab does not touch any other surfaces to avoid contamination. The sample is then sent to the laboratory for culture and analysis.

In the laboratory, the swab sample is streaked onto appropriate culture media, such as blood agar or MacConkey agar, which provide a favorable environment for the growth of different types of bacteria. The agar plate is incubated at a specific temperature to allow bacterial growth.

Once the bacteria have grown, they are examined and identified based on their characteristic appearance, as mentioned earlier. The presence of potential pyogenic organisms in the culture indicates the possibility of an infection in the umbilical area.

The results of the pyogenic culture help guide healthcare professionals in determining the appropriate treatment for the infection. This may involve the use of antibiotics targeted at the specific pyogenic organisms identified in the culture.

It is important to note that the collection and culture of umbilical swabs for pyogenic organisms are typically carried out in a clinical laboratory by trained personnel following standardized protocols. This ensures accuracy and reliability in the identification of bacteria causing infections.


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