currentDate = Carbon::now(); } public function sendSms($to, $data, $templateName) { // Prepare the message try { // $to = 6367289664; $templateNamedata = DB::table('sms_templates')->where('templete_name',$templateName)->first(); if($templateNamedata){ $message = $templateNamedata->sms; foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $message = str_replace('{' . $key . '}', $value, $message); } // API request parameters $params = [ 'username' => env('username'), 'password' => env('password'), 'unicode' => 'false', 'from' => env('from'), 'to' => $to, 'dltPrincipalEntityId' => env('dltPrincipalEntityId'), 'dltContentId' => $templateNamedata->template_id, 'text' => $message, ]; // Make the API request $response = Http::get(env('url'), $params); // Check if the request was successful if ($response->successful()) { return response()->json([ 'status' => 'success', 'message' => 'SMS sent successfully', 'response' => $response->json(), ]); } // Handle the error return response()->json([ 'status' => 'error', 'message' => 'Failed to send SMS', 'details' => $response->body(), ], 500); } } catch (Exception $e) { // Catch and handle any exceptions return response()->json([ 'status' => 'error', 'message' => 'An error occurred while sending the SMS', 'details' => $e->getMessage(), ], 500); } } public static function sendNotification($id, $msg, $title, $key, $image = false, $notificationId = null) { $ONESIGNAL_APP_ID = '079a2107-0b13-4687-b48e-7e4a9d9b50c4'; $ONESIGNAL_REST_API_KEY = 'OTk4YzMwNGEtNDNkYi00NDE3LTg4NTItNWE4NTAwMzAyOTgz'; // Validate the user ID (UUID format check) if (!preg_match('/^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{12}$/i', $id)) { Log::error('Invalid player ID format: ' . $id); return; } $data = [ 'app_id' => $ONESIGNAL_APP_ID, 'contents' => [ 'en' => $msg, ], 'headings' => [ 'en' => $title, ], 'sound' => 'default', 'ios_sound' => 'default', 'badge' => '1', 'ios_badgeType' => 'Increase', 'ios_badgeCount' => 1, 'data' => [ 'notificationId' => $notificationId, 'click_action' => 'FLUTTER_NOTIFICATION_CLICK', ], 'large_icon' => $image, 'ios_attachments' => [ 'id' => $image, ], 'priority' => 10, 'include_player_ids' => [$id], // Single player ID in an array ]; // Send the notification via OneSignal API $response = Http::withHeaders([ 'Authorization' => 'Basic ' . $ONESIGNAL_REST_API_KEY, 'Content-Type' => 'application/json', ])->post('', $data); // Log the response for debugging Log::info($response->json()); } public function base64uploadFileImage(Request $request, $uploadFolderName, $inputFileName){ // dd($request); $img = $request->get($inputFileName); // dd($img); $img = str_replace('data:image/png;base64,', '', $img); $img = str_replace(' ', '+', $img); $data = base64_decode($img); $fname= uniqid() . '.png'; $file = Storage_path("app/public/".$uploadFolderName).'/' .$fname; $success = file_put_contents($file, $data); return $fname; } protected function removeImage($image_path) { $image_path = Storage_path().'/app/public/'.$image_path; if(file_exists($image_path)){ unlink($image_path); } } public function get_discount($test_id,$type,$mrp){ $mrp = (float) $mrp; $fixed=0; $per=0; $dis = Discountid::join('discounts','','discount_ids.dis_id') ->whereDate('discounts.start_date', '<=', $this->currentDate) ->whereDate('discounts.end_date', '>=', $this->currentDate) ->where('discount_ids.type',$type)->where("discount_ids.test_id", $test_id)->first(); if($dis){ if($dis->dis_type == 'per'){ $per = (float) $dis->discount; $fixed = $mrp * ($per/100); }else{ $fixed = (float) $dis->discount; $per = ($mrp / $fixed) * 100 ; } } $dis_data=['per'=>$per,'fixed'=>$fixed]; return $dis_data; } public function gettotalcartmember(){ $totalcartmember = count(DB::table('cart_member') ->select('cart_member.family_member_id') ->join('family_member', '', '=', 'cart_member.family_member_id') ->where("cart_member.user_id",Auth::id()) ->groupBy('cart_member.family_member_id') ->get()); return $totalcartmember; } public function getcartcontent(){ $data=DB::table('cart_member') ->select('cart_member.family_member_id') ->join('family_member', '', '=', 'cart_member.family_member_id') ->where("cart_member.user_id",Auth::id()) ->groupBy('cart_member.family_member_id') ->get(); $ls1 = array(); if(count($data)>0){ foreach($data as $g){z $arr = array(); $getfamilyinfo = FamilyMember::find($g->family_member_id); $arr['member_id'] = $g->family_member_id; $arr['member_name'] = $getfamilyinfo->name; $arr['relation'] = $getfamilyinfo->relation; $arr['gender'] = $getfamilyinfo->gender; $arr['age'] = $getfamilyinfo->age; $getcartinfo = CartMember::where("user_id",Auth::id())->where("family_member_id",$g->family_member_id)->get(); foreach($getcartinfo as $g){ $mrp=0; $b = array(); if($g->type==1){ $item_data = Package::find($g->type_id); $find_pa = TestDetails::where("package_id", $item_data->id)->get(); foreach($find_pa as $d){ if ($d->type == 1) { $mrp += Parameter::find($d->type_id) ? Parameter::find($d->type_id)->mrp : 0; } if ($d->type == 2) { $mrp += Profiles::find($d->type_id) ? Profiles::find($d->type_id)->mrp : 0; } } $dis_pa = $this->get_discount($item_data->id,'Package',$item_data->mrp); }else if($g->type==2){ $item_data = Parameter::find($g->type_id); $dis_pa = $this->get_discount($item_data->id,'Parameter',$item_data->mrp); }else{ $item_data = Profiles::find($g->type_id); $dis_pa = $this->get_discount($item_data->id,'Profiles',$item_data->mrp); if($item_data){ $item_data->name = $item_data->profile_name; $arr = explode(",", $item_data->no_of_parameter); foreach ($arr as $a) { $mrp += Parameter::find($a) ? Parameter::find($a)->mrp : 0; } } } $b['test_name'] = isset($item_data->name)?$item_data->name:''; $b['mrp'] = isset($item_data->mrp)?$item_data->mrp:''; // $b['price']= isset($item_data->price)?$item_data->price:''; $b['price'] = $mrp; $b['parameter']=$g->parameter; $b['type']=$g->type; $b['discount'] = $dis_pa; $b['id']=$g->id; $b['type_id']=$g->type_id; $arr['testdata'][]=$b; } $ls1[] = $arr; } } dd($ls1); return $ls1; } public function getordercontent($order_id){ $data = OrdersData::where('order_id', $order_id)->get(); $ls1 = array(); if (count($data) > 0) { foreach ($data as $g) { $b = array(); if ($g->type == 1) { $item_data = Package::find($g->item_id); $dis_pa = $this->get_discount($item_data->id,'Package',$item_data->mrp); } else if ($g->type == 2) { $item_data = Parameter::find($g->item_id); $dis_pa = $this->get_discount($item_data->id,'Parameter',$item_data->mrp); } else { $item_data = Profiles::find($g->item_id); if ($item_data) { $item_data->name = $item_data->profile_name; // Change 'name' to 'test_name' } $dis_pa = $this->get_discount($item_data->id,'Profiles',$item_data->mrp); } $b['discount'] = $dis_pa; // Check if $item_data is not null before accessing its properties $b['test_name'] = isset($item_data->name) ? $item_data->name : ''; $b['mrp'] = isset($g->mrp) ? $g->mrp : ''; if($dis_pa['fixed'] > 0.00 ) { $per = $dis_pa['per']; $price = $g->mrp - $dis_pa['fixed']; }else{ $price = $g->mrp; } $b['price'] = $price; // $b['price'] = isset($g->price) ? $g->price : ''; $b['parameter'] = $g->parameter; $b['type'] = $g->type; $b['id'] = $g->id; $b['type_id'] = $g->item_id; $b['order_id'] = $g->order_id; $b['item_id'] = $g->item_id; $getfamilyinfo = FamilyMember::find($g->family_member_id); $b['member_id'] = $g->family_member_id; $b['member_name'] = isset($getfamilyinfo->name)?$getfamilyinfo->name:""; $b['relation'] = isset($getfamilyinfo->relation)?$getfamilyinfo->relation:''; $b['gender'] = isset($getfamilyinfo->gender)?$getfamilyinfo->gender:''; $b['age'] = isset($getfamilyinfo->age)?$getfamilyinfo->age:'';; $ls1[] = $b; // Append $b to $ls1, not overwriting it } } return $ls1; } public function getcartsubtotal(){ $data=CartMember::where("user_id",Auth::id())->get(); $total = 0; if(count($data)>0){ foreach($data as $g){ $b = array(); if($g->type==1){ $item_data = Package::find($g->type_id); $dis_pa = $this->get_discount($item_data->id,'Package',$item_data->mrp); }else if($g->type==2){ $item_data = Parameter::find($g->type_id); $dis_pa = $this->get_discount($item_data->id,'Parameter',$item_data->mrp); }else{ $item_data = Profiles::find($g->type_id); if($item_data){ $item_data->name = $item_data->profile_name; } $dis_pa = $this->get_discount($item_data->id,'Profiles',$item_data->mrp); } $discount =0; if($dis_pa['fixed'] > 0.00 ) { $per = $dis_pa['per']; $discount = $item_data->mrp - $dis_pa['fixed']; }else{ $discount = $item_data->mrp ; } // $price= isset($item_data->price)?$item_data->price:''; $price = $discount; $total = $total+$price; } } return $total; } public function fileuploadFileImage(Request $request, $uploadFolderName, $inputFileName){ $image = $request->file($inputFileName); $fileName = time().rand() . '.' . $image->getClientOriginalExtension(); $img = Image::make($image->getRealPath()); $img->resize(120, 120, function ($constraint) { $constraint->aspectRatio(); }); $img->stream(); Storage::disk('local')->put('/public/'.$uploadFolderName.'/'.$fileName, $img, 'public'); return $fileName; } public function fileuploadFileImageblod(Request $request, $uploadFolderName, $inputFileName){ $image = $request->file($inputFileName); $fileName = time().rand() . '.' . $image->getClientOriginalExtension(); $img = Image::make($image->getRealPath()); $img->resize(1200, 1200, function ($constraint) { $constraint->aspectRatio(); }); $img->stream(); Storage::disk('local')->put('/public/'.$uploadFolderName.'/'.$fileName, $img, 'public'); return $fileName; } public function send_notification_order_android($key,$user_id,$msg,$order_id){ $getuser=Token::where("type","1")->where("user_id",$user_id)->get(); if(count($getuser)!=0){ $reg_id = array(); foreach($getuser as $gt){ $reg_id[]=$gt->token; } $regIdChunk=array_chunk($reg_id,1000); foreach ($regIdChunk as $k) { $registrationIds = $k; $message = array( "type"=>'order', "click_action"=>"FLUTTER_NOTIFICATION_CLICK", "order_id"=> $order_id ); $message1 = array( 'body' => $msg, 'title' => __('admin.Notification') ); $fields = array( 'registration_ids' => $registrationIds, 'data' => $message, 'notification'=>$message1 ); $url = ''; $headers = array( 'Authorization: key='.$key,// . $api_key, 'Content-Type: application/json' ); $json = json_encode($fields); $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,$json); $result = curl_exec($ch); if ($result === FALSE){ die('Curl failed: ' . curl_error($ch)); } curl_close($ch); $response[]=json_decode($result,true); } $succ=0; if($response){ foreach ($response as $k) { if(isset($k['success'])){ $succ=$succ+$k['success']; } } } if($succ>0) { return 1; } { return 0; } } return 0; } public function send_notification_order_IOS($key,$user_id,$msg,$order_id){ $getuser=Token::where("type","2")->where("user_id",$user_id)->get(); if(count($getuser)!=0){ $reg_id = array(); foreach($getuser as $gt){ $reg_id[]=$gt->token; } $regIdChunk=array_chunk($reg_id,1000); foreach ($regIdChunk as $k) { $registrationIds = $k; $message = array( "type"=>'order', "click_action"=>"FLUTTER_NOTIFICATION_CLICK", "order_id"=> $order_id ); $message1 = array( 'body' => $msg, 'title' => __('admin.Notification') ); $fields = array( 'registration_ids' => $registrationIds, 'data' => $message, 'notification'=>$message1 ); $url = ''; $headers = array( 'Authorization: key='.$key,// . $api_key, 'Content-Type: application/json' ); $json = json_encode($fields); $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,$json); $result = curl_exec($ch); if ($result === FALSE){ die('Curl failed: ' . curl_error($ch)); } curl_close($ch); $response[]=json_decode($result,true); } $succ=0; if($response){ foreach ($response as $k) { if(isset($k['success'])){ $succ=$succ+$k['success']; } } } if($succ>0) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } return 0; } public function getsitedate(){ $setting=Setting::find(1); $date_zone=array(); $timezone=$this->generate_timezone_list(); foreach($timezone as $key=>$value){ if($setting->default_timezone==$key){ $date_zone=$value; } } // date_default_timezone_set($date_zone); return date('d-m-Y h:i:s'); } public function getsitedateonly(){ $setting=Setting::find(1); $date_zone=array(); $timezone=$this->generate_timezone_list(); foreach($timezone as $key=>$value){ if($setting->default_timezone==$key){ $date_zone=$value; } } // date_default_timezone_set($date_zone); return date('Y-m-d'); } static public function generate_timezone_list(){ static $regions = array( DateTimeZone::AFRICA, DateTimeZone::AMERICA, DateTimeZone::ANTARCTICA, DateTimeZone::ASIA, DateTimeZone::ATLANTIC, DateTimeZone::AUSTRALIA, DateTimeZone::EUROPE, DateTimeZone::INDIAN, DateTimeZone::PACIFIC, ); $timezones = array(); foreach($regions as $region) { $timezones = array_merge($timezones, DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers($region)); } $timezone_offsets = array(); foreach($timezones as $timezone) { $tz = new DateTimeZone($timezone); $timezone_offsets[$timezone] = $tz->getOffset(new DateTime); } asort($timezone_offsets); $timezone_list = array(); foreach($timezone_offsets as $timezone=>$offset){ $offset_prefix = $offset < 0 ? '-' : '+'; $offset_formatted = gmdate('H:i', abs($offset)); $pretty_offset = "UTC${offset_prefix}${offset_formatted}"; $timezone_list[] = "$timezone"; } return $timezone_list; ob_end_flush(); } public function gettimezonename($timezone_id){ $getall=$this->generate_timezone_list(); foreach ($getall as $k=>$val) { if($k==$timezone_id){ return $val; } } } public function applycoupononcoustomer($userId,$id,$subtotalcp){ $cart_data = CartMember::where("user_id", $userId)->get(); foreach ($cart_data as $g) { if ($g->type == 1) { $item_data = Package::find($g->type_id); $dis_pa = $this->get_discount($item_data->id,'Package',$item_data->mrp); } else if ($g->type == 2) { $item_data = Parameter::find($g->type_id); $dis_pa = $this->get_discount($item_data->id,'Parameter',$item_data->mrp); } else { $item_data = Profiles::find($g->type_id); $dis_pa = $this->get_discount($item_data->id,'Profiles',$item_data->mrp); if ($item_data) { $item_data->name = $item_data->profile_name; } } $priced =$item_data->mrp; if($dis_pa['fixed'] > 0.00 ) { $per = $dis_pa['per']; $priced = $item_data->mrp - $dis_pa['fixed']; }else{ $priced = $item_data->mrp ; } $g['price'] = $priced; } $price = 0; $discount = 0; $coupon_data = Coupon::find($id); $today = date('l'); $days = explode(',', $coupon_data->day); foreach ($days as $dy) { if ($dy == $today) { if ($coupon_data->type == 4) { $price = $subtotalcp; if ($coupon_data->coupon_type == 'percent') { $discount = $price * ($coupon_data->coupon_value / 100); } else { $discount = $coupon_data->coupon_value; } } if ($coupon_data->type == 1) { $product_ids = explode(',', $coupon_data->product_ids); foreach ($product_ids as $product_id) { foreach ($cart_data as $g) { if ($product_id == $g->type_id) { $price = $g->price; if ($coupon_data->coupon_type == 'percent') { $discount_cp = $price * ($coupon_data->coupon_value / 100); } else { $discount_cp = $coupon_data->coupon_value; } $discount = $discount + $discount_cp; } } } } if ($coupon_data->type == 2) { $product_ids = explode(',', $coupon_data->product_ids); foreach ($product_ids as $product_id) { foreach ($cart_data as $g) { if ($product_id == $g->type_id) { $price = $g->price; if ($coupon_data->coupon_type == 'percent') { $discount_cp = $price * ($coupon_data->coupon_value / 100); } else { $discount_cp = $coupon_data->coupon_value; } $discount = $discount + $discount_cp; } } } } if ($coupon_data->type == 3) { $product_ids = explode(',', $coupon_data->product_ids); foreach ($product_ids as $product_id) { foreach ($cart_data as $g) { if ($product_id == $g->type_id) { $price = $g->price; if ($coupon_data->coupon_type == 'percent') { $discount_cp = $price * ($coupon_data->coupon_value / 100); } else { $discount_cp = $coupon_data->coupon_value; } $discount = $discount + $discount_cp; } } } } } } return $discount; } }